Tuesday, December 9, 2008

X cheats

X - Beyond the Frontier

Hex Cheat:Save your game, and note how many credits you

have.Open up the savegame in an hex editor (the first save

game is named X0.SAV then X1.SAV etc etc) DO NOT try and

edit X99.SAV, it's the save game list.Open up windows calculator

, switch to scientific view. type in your credits *withouth the comma

* ie. if you have 298.35 credits, you type in 29835 and click Hex.It

will give you the value of 12A, since in hex each number is

represented by 2 digits, simply put a zero at the start so it makes

012A.Now search for this value in the savegame. You will find it

twice and you must change it in both places. The first location is

near BC90, although this *can* change...To reiterate, convert the

whole number *without* the comma. change both places!

X-Car: Experimental Racing

Type these in during Race:Ctrl+shift+F8: change map color

Ctrl+shift+F9: repair damageCtrl+shift+F10: clear black

flagType these in track selection menu:While selecting a

track hold down on S or R to choose what type of weather

(Sunny or rainy)Hold down M while selecting a single race

or a quick race to enable the missile.then fire it by pressing

the HUD toggle key. midnitrepo (Ray)

X-Com 2: Terror From The Deep

Level skip:
Press [Ctrl] + C while in the battlescape screen to complete
the current level with the results of the previous level.

X-Com 3: Apocalypse

Get credit:Simply load your non-tactical mission game
file in a hex editor, go to location 33D40 and type FF
FF FF to get 16.7 mln credits.

X-Com Interceptor

Some Cheats:
Press Ctrl-W, when you hear the low double
beep tone type in battlecheat to enable in flight cheats.
Then Type:
canttouchthis - Invincibility
fillerup - Unlimited Flight Range
Various Cheats
Press Alt+E at main screen and press the following:
10 000 000 credits: PAYDAY
All research: KNOWITALL
Build Base fast: QUICKBASE
No Aliens: JOYRIDE
Side Missions:
Arms Dealer: SMARMS
Nova Bomb rescue: SMNOVA
Pirate Rescue: SMRESCUE
Pirate Freighter: SMROUGE

X-Com: UFO Defense

Some Cheats:Press Ctrl-W, when you hear the low double
beep tone type in battlecheat to enable in flight cheats.
Then Type:canttouchthis - Invincibilityfillerup
- Unlimited Flight RangeVarious CheatsPress Alt+E
at main screen and press the following:10 000 000
credits: PAYDAYAll research: KNOWITALLBuild Base
fast: QUICKBASENo Aliens: JOYRIDESide Missions:
Arms Dealer: SMARMSRecon: SMRECONNova Bomb
rescue: SMNOVAPirate Rescue: SMRESCUEPirate
Freighter: SMROUGE

X-Files: The Game

Bypass Willmore’s Computer Password:
To subvert the password logon, right click the
"o" in "Welcome" at Willmore’s workstation.

More Game Saves:
To save three additional games, hold [Shift]
and click on the Load/Save icons.

Password for Willmore’s Computer:
The password for Willmore’s Computer is

X-Men Legends 2: Rise of the Apocalypse

Hint: Party Skill Bonuses:
Attack Doubled ... Party uses Age of Apocalypse
Plus 5 percent XP earned ... Party consists of
Nightcrawler, Sunfire, Toad, Deadpool -or-
Juggernaut, Magneto, Scarlet Witch, Toad.
Recoup 20 energy per kill ... Party consists of
Juggernaut, Colossus, Wolvernine, Rogue -or-
Cyclops, Jean Grey, Gambit, Rogue.
5 percent of damage is added to party health
... Party consists of rogue, Deadpool, Gambit,
Wovlerine -or- Storm, Scarlet Witch, Rogue, Jean Grey.
Damage increased 5 percent ... Party consists
of Gambit, Bishop, Cyclops, Iron Man -or- Bishop,
Deadpool, Nightcrawler, Gambit.
Health regeneration at 5 per instance ... Party
consists of Magneto, Professor X, Scarlet Witch,
All resistances increased by 10 ... Party consists
of Storm, Iceman, Sunfire, Magneto.
All statistics increased by 10 ... Party consists of
Colossus, Juggernaut, Iron Man, Magneto.
Party health increased by 15 percent ... Party
consists of Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Wolverine,
Bishop -or- Nightclawler, Storm, Colossus, Sunfire.
Energy limits increased by 15 percent ... Party
consists of Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman, Magneto
, Toad, Professor X.
More techbit drops ... Party consists of Iceman,
Professor X, Iron Man, Deadpool.

X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse

Deadpool:Finish the game.Professor Xavier
:Finish all Danger Room missions.


Space Faster:Pilot the X-15 and use the B-52 drop
in Location\Special In-flight. Press [Space] to be
released and aim straight up. By the time you are
out of fuel, you will be in space.Unlimited Fuel
:Enter the weight and fuel section in the settings
menu. Set the fuel load to maximum. This will
make the fuel tank full again. This can be repeated as needed.

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter: Balance Of Power

South Park reference:
Play as the Rebels or the Empire in the Pentathlon
tournaments. Note the navigation buoy in the
center of the arena that is worth bonus points if
destroyed. In one of the missions, a satellite
named "Kenny" will appear in place of the buoy
. Destroy it, and the message ''Oh my God! They
killed Kenny!'' will appear.


Cheats:Press [F7] three times in the game and you
have invulenerability, full energy and all keys
.Invulnerability:At any time during gameplay,
press F7 three times and you will recieve the
following: invulnerability, full energy, and all
game keys.

Xenon 2

Invulnerability:When you start the game and
come to the graphics menu, use the function
-button "F7" instead of enter to choose your view
mode. Then, in the game, press "I" to become
invulnerable. Pressing "i" will turn it off.

Unlimited Lives:Get a high score and enter
'ALF' for your name. Now you will have unlimited lives.

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