Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Mac Attack
Cheat Code:
To activate a cheat, enter its corresponding
code below.
Cheat Code:
Final boss MST3K
Machine Hunter
Cheat Codes:
To activate a cheat, type its corresponding
code as a password.
Cheat Code:
Activate exit areas NO MISSION
All pickups LAZYPLAYER
Fight bosses only GET SACKED
Infinite weapon upgrade 2UNLIMITED
Invincibility INVINCIBLE
Kill with one shot GRIMREAPER
Show credits SHOWCREDIT
Unlimited continues **URANUS**
View classic intro sequence SHOWDROIDS
View end sequence **SATURN**
Cheat Menu:
To activate the cheat menu, enter: ???HOST???
as a password.
(Note: From the cheat menu players enable or
disable ALL of the game's cheat codes.)
Mad Dog McCree
Easy Reload:
While playing, shoot any blue emblem to reload
your guns. If you're lucky, you'll get more
ammo than normal!
Kill Mad Dog:
When you get to Mad Dog in the final showdown
he'll say,"That's Bye Good Stranger". Shoot him
in the head before he shoots you. He'll drop his
gun, and reach for his other one. Shoot him in
the head again and he will die.
Madden NFL '97
Bonus teams:
Type tiburon or hiscore at the user records
Madden NFL 99
Various Cheats:
Effect Code
Madden '98 Team BOOM
Stats Leaders IMTHEMAN
All 60s team PEACELOVE
All 70s team BELLBOTTOMS
All 90s team HEREANDNOW
Madden All-Time Greats TURKEYLEG
75th Anniversary team THROWBACK
NFL Equipment Team GEARGUYS
'99 Cleveland Browns WELCOMEBACK
Cleveland Stadium DOGPOUND99
Old Miami Stadium NOTAFISH
Old Oilers team JETSONS
Old Miami Team DANDAMAN
Get Tiburon Sports Complex SHARKSFIN
Old Tampa Bay Stadium SOMBRERO
Astrodome Stadium FOR RENT
Tiburon Stadium OURHOUSE
Better defensive back LEECH
Catch Better GLOVES
Better Kicking BIGFOOT
Original Oakland Stadium STICKEM
Magic and Mayhem
Crossing the bridge:
In labyrinth level is a "bridge". If you walk
across it, you will be teleported to the pit
below. To cross the bridge, do not walk over
the markings or symbols on it.
Destroying totems:
The following four spells can be used to
destroy totems: Apocalypse, Lightning, Meteor
Strike, and Storm.
Easy POP capture:
If you are playing a quick battle, choose a
Tornado spell and an Ancour spell. Walk up to
a POP (place of power) that is guarded by an
enemy. Cast Ancour on yourself. Then, cast
Tornado on the POP. The enemy should fly away
and the POP left clear for you to capture.
Killing mid-air creatures:
If a creature is flying in mid-air (for example
, a Bat or Griffin), cast the spell Gorgon Stare
on them or command a Champion Law to freeze
them. They will plummet to the ground and shatter
into pieces.
Killing undead:
Summon a Unicorn. They have decent HP, mana
cost and are effective against the undead.
However, they are not very good against
Champion Chaos and Vampires.
Subversion without the spell or pipes:
Get a creature with a "crown" over their heads.
If they attack an enemy creature of the same
species they might be able to subvert it. This
also works against illusions.
Magic Land Dizzy
Unlimited lives:
Type diamonds and pearls.
Magic School Bus Explores The Rainforest
Bonus songs:
Go to the left side of the classroom by
clicking on the wind-up toy. Then, on the
lower right locker and select the "Animal
Chorus" game. Then, drag the two birds, two
monkeys and jaguar, or two frogs into the
jungle to hear one of three more songs in the
Magic: The Gathering Online
Undo Mana tapping:
Press [Alt] + U to undo mana tapping.
Mail-Room Madness
In-game solution:
The folder "gamepack01" in the game directory
contains the solution for the entire game in
the file "solutions.zip". It contains recorded
keystrokes that will automatically play the
game. To open the file, you must register the
game to get a password.
Mall Tycoon 2
Cheat List:
Hold the ctrl key and enter these cheats:
change view: hdidizzy
complete current research project: hditech
research complete on all technology: hdilore
mall rating +100: hdirate
+100,000 money: hdicase
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Power Platoon:
20 Energy per KO Silver Surfer, Iron Man,
Ms. Marvel, Thor
Unlock Daredevil and Silver Surfer:
This code so far only works if you are playing
with a gamepad. I haven't been able to get it
right with just the keyboard.
Unlock Silver Surfer - Down, Left, Left, Up,
Right, Up, Down, Left, Start Button
Unlock Dare Devil - Left, Left, Right, Right,
Up, Down, Up, Down, Start Button
Do the following tasks to unlock the following
characters or modes.
Ghostrider - Rescue him from Mephisto in Act 2
Dr. Strange - Rescue him from Mandrin in Act 1
Daredevil - Collect Daredevil Action Figures
throughout various acts
Black Panther - Collect Black Panther Action
Figures throughout various acts
Hard Mode - Complete the game on easy or normal
Nick Fury - Complete the game on easy or normal
Silver Surfer - Defeat Galactus
Unlockable: God Mode
At the cheat menu, enter UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN,
Mega Man X4
Buffalo appearance:
Get to the halfway Boss in the Frost Walruses
stage to see the Buffalo from Megaman X3 in
the background.
Character appearances:
You might find characters from the original
Megaman games on the backgrounds of this game.
Chill Penguin appearance:
Go to Frost Walrus' stage and proceed to the
mid-Boss. You will see Chill Penguin frozen in
an ice cube. Also, If you look closely in the
background, you will see that the wall was
broken. This is the exact stage in Mega Man
X for Chill Penguin.
Dark Megaman X:
Highlight Megaman at the character selection
screen. Then hold [Down] and press F.
Dark Zero
Highlight Zero at the character selection screen.
Then hold [Up] and press F.
Ultimate X Armor
Highlight X at the title screen, then hold [Up]
and press C. After you pass the introduction
level, go to the "Web Spider" level. Find the
capsule to get the Ultimate X Armor instead of
the boots.
E Tank
To get one of the E Tanks, go to the Cyber level
and get the S rank. To do this, jump on the
platform that does not have an enemy. Go to
Ray's stage area 2. Survive until you see two
boxes, a space, and one box. In that space is
the other E tank.
Defeating Cyber Peacock:
To defeat him with Zero, use the Z-Saber
Enhancement you get from defeating Magma
Defeating Double:
When you reach Double, use the Double Cyclone.
Defeating Magma Dragoon and Slash Beast:
As Zero, use Raijingeki, which does 2 hits
on Dragoon and 1 hit on Slash Beast.
Defeating Magma Dragoon:
When you get the armor suit at area 2, get
in and continue normally. When you get to
the part where you have to jump higher than
the suit allows, do not get out. Instead, go
in the lava and move forward as quickly as
possible, breaking the box things in front
of you. You will begin the battle with Magma
Dragoon in the suit. Attack him until the
suit explodes. By this time, his life should
be low.
Defeating Slash Beast:
First, defeat the Stingray and use his weapon
in the battle. Shoot him once, then jump over
him, turn, and fire again. Repeat this until
he goes down.
Defeating the Spider Boss:
When you get to the Spider Boss, dash slide
away to dodge his webs, then jump over it.
Defeating Web Spider:
As Zero, use Ryuenjin after if you have Kuuenbu
jump and slash him for an extra hit.
Easy helmet upgrade:
Go to the Cyber Peacock stage. Get a rank "S"
on the third section. This can be done easily
by using the Soul Body (Split Mushroom's weapon)
periodically. You can kill the floating eye balls.
Enigma appearance:
Go to web spiders' area. In the background you
can see the Enigma from Megaman X5.
Float in mid-air:
Double cyclone is effective in the air since it
stops X short and gives him a little more time
and distance. Charge up rising fire and jump in
the air. When you reach your highest point in
your jump, release the charge. You will boost up
for a double jump.
Flying boots, body armor, Nova Strike upgrades:
If you are Dark Mega Man, get the upgrade on the Web
Spider's stage and you will get the flying boots,
body armor and Nova Strike (a very powerful blast).
Frost Walrus stage: Easy heart:
An easy way to get the heart is to shoot upwards with
the Magma Dragoon Flame Upwards ability.
Megaman X: Ultimate armor (Japanese version):
Press [Up] and [Shoot] buttons while selecting Zero.
Enter a special armor capsule to receive the new armor.
Megaman X: Ultimate X Buster Attack:
When you want to destroy an enemy easily, hold [Attack]
for a few seconds. Release [Attack] and he will blast
a huge X Buster. The more energy MMX receives, the
stronger his X Buster gets.
Robot Ride Armor #1:
The location of the first Robot Ride Armor is in the
level with jets/planes. Keep going straight and you
will find a blue Robot Ride Armor. You can easily
destroy enemies with those.
Spark Mandrill appearance:
Start Frost Walrus's stage and look closely in the
background. A big frozen Ice block frozen like Spark
Zero and MMX have different storylines in the game.
The one that is most interesting is Zero's.
W Tank:
Go to Snow Base area 2. Destroy all of the ice
blocks until you reach a platform that leads you
left or right. Go left and destroy the ice blocks.
You will eventually find the W tank.
Zero: Black armor (Japanese version):
Press [Down] and [Shoot] buttons while selecting
Zero: Saber Attack:
Zero cannot recharge his weapon, but using his
saber he can destroy enemies easily. Press [Dash]
+ [Attack] while striking an opponent. This will
make Zero's saber attack stronger and faster.
Zero's power attack:
After gaining the Fire attack for Zero, just attack
as you normally would except tap his slash attack
two times and on the third time use his Fire attack.
Midtown Madness
Enter these command line paramaters to get
the following effect.
All Races -allraces
All Cars -allcars
example D:\Program Files\Microsoft Games
\Midtown Madness\midtown.exe -allcars
several people have reported having trouble
with these codes. Could be several versions
of the game out there
Hex Cheat:
First, one has to open the file ui.ar in the
Midtown madness directory. At the bottom of
the file, one can find the different things
such as the placing in the race required to
unlock the next set of races as well as how
many races it unlocks. There is also the stuff
where you can choose how many races you must
complete to unlock the cars such as the Panoz
GTR-1. Below are the exact co-ordinates of the
different vehicles (the offsets may vary in
different hex editors, but not by much):
The placing in the race to unlock the next race
- 012f7b36
How many races it unlocks at once - 012f7b4a
VW New Beetle - 012f7b5e
City Bus - 012f7c30
Cadillac Eldorado - 012f7d02
Ford Mustang Cruiser - 012f7dde
Ford F-350 - 012f7eb0
Ford Mustang Fastback - 012f782
Ford Mustang GT - 012f805e
Panoz GTR-1 - 012f813a
Panoz Roadster - 012f822a
Freightliner Century - 012f82fc
Just read from the ANSI text part and edit what
one wants. Basically, what everyone whould want
is to unlock every vehicle. Simple. Just set the
"Unlock Flags" part to "Unlock Flags=0" or 00.
In the Panoz GTR-1, set the unlock score to 0000.
Even an amateur can drive that car then. It
should be pretty simple to edit what one wants
other than that.
Floating wheels &helicopter view:
for floating wheels as the panoz aiv roadster
in the game press d then v (drivers side,- orbit view)
then escape. restart race and your 2 wheels with no
Player Name Cheats:
At the player select screen pick the NEW option and
enter one of the following names
Show Police on map(Scores will be disabled) Showme
Get All city bus traffic(Scores will be disabled)
Big Bus Party
Get All compact car traffic(Scores will be disabled)
Tiny Car
Get All airplane traffic(Scores will be disabled)
Jet Planes
Quick AI(Scores will be disabled) Warp Eleven
Traffic goes in reverse amizdA eoJ
Pick the Cadillac in cruise mode to drive a generic
car vasedans
Pick the Bullet in cruise mode to drive a generic
light car vasedanl
Pick the Ford F350 in cruise mode to drive a van
Pick the City Bus in cruise mode to drive a Diesel
Pick the VW Bug in cruise mode to drive a VW
Rabbit vacompact
Pick the Ford F350 in cruise mode to drive a
pickup truck vapickup
Pick the in cruise mode to drive the bus with a
new color vabus
Pick the Ford F350 in cruise mode to drive a
delivery truck vadelivery
Pick the Mustang GT in cruise mode to drive a
random limo valimo
Pick the Mustang GT in cruise mode to drive a
black limo valimoblack
Pick the Mustang GT in cruise mode to drive a
white limo valimoangel
Pick the Cadillac in cruise mode to drive a
yellow cab vataxi
Pick the Cadillac in cruise mode to drive a
green checkered cab vataxicheck
Pick the City Bus in cruise mode to drive a
mini-jet vaboeing_small
Use No Damage "legally":
1)Hit Control+Alt+Shift+F7
2)Type /nodamage and press enter
3)Before you end the race, press Control+ Alt+
Shift+F7 and type in /damage and press enter.
Various Cheats:
During play during single player mode Hold [Ctrl]
+ [Alt] + [Shift] + [F7] until a prompt appears.
Now enter one of these cheats:
No damage(Scores will be disabled) /nodamage
Enable damage /damage
Sky spins /dizzy
Toggle police radar(Scores will be disabled)
Bridge very quickly(Scores will be disabled)
Airplanes becomes UFOs /ufo
Train becomes line of airplanes /swap
Cars in traffic have no friction(Scores will
be disabled) /slide
Player's car has no friction(Scores will be
disabled) /puck
Low gravity(Scores will be disabled) /grav
Use horn to shoot mailboxes(Scores will be
disabled) /postal
Fast commentary /talkfast
Slow commentary /talkslow
Large people /big
Small people /tiny
Disable smoking tires /nosmoke
Enable smoking tires /smoke
Mortal Kombat 2
Cheat mode:
Type aiculedssul at the copyright screen, then
press [F9] at the Acclaim logo.
Fight Jade:
Win one round using only low kicks in the match
before the "?" round.
Fight Noob Saibot:
Win 25 consecutive matches, then win the first
round of the next match.
Fight Smoke:
Quickly press [F1] or [F2] when Dan Forden appears
and says "Toasty!" on the Portal stage.
Unlimited credits:
Wait until the countdown at the continue screen
begins. Press [F2] to start a two player game,
then press [F1] while in the two player menu.
After you defeat the player two you will continue
the game at the place you left off without losing
a credit.
Mystery Island
Cheat Codes:
During gameplay, enter any of the following
Code Effect
MRPOLO High Jump
MRTOUGH Invincible
MRGOD Unlimited Lives
Myth 2
All Single Player Maps:
Hold down SHIFT while clicking on New Game
Win Scenario
Press CTRL and = keys during play.
(reported as invalid code?-Try it and see!)
Win/Lose Level:
Hold CTRL-button and ALT-button and press +
to win a level.
Hold CTRL-button and ALT-button and press -
to lose a level.
Destroy Animals:
Hold [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] and click on
the animal to destroy
5 extra mycridias:
During game play push enter then type: myrock
Be The Enemy:
In the main screen type: ENEMYROCK
Mythical Warriors
To enter cheat mode:
Press [Enter] then type one of the following
codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Code Effect:
magic - Full magic
level - Full mana, experience, level
money - Full money
win - Level skip
see - Remove fog
hurry - Unknown
nolose - Unknown
skill - Unknown
shield – Unknown
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