Thursday, December 18, 2008


Jack in the Dark

Anyway as the story begins you are an 8 year
old girl, locked within a shop full of
"haunted" toys. Santa Claus has been captured
and held prisoner by your nemesis in the game
"One Eyed Jack" a mean spirited jack in the box.
Your impossible mission is to free Santa.

1: Get "Oil Lamp" (floor) & "Toy Drum" (Chest)
2: Behind counter find "DIME" & "BOOK". (Read
the book)
3: Use "DIME" in Candy Machine on Counter.
4: "EMPTY" "Oil Lamp" on floor directly in front
of attacking puppet.
5: Stand next to and right of open "Chest" and
begin playing drum until 3 toys jump into chest.
6: Go to next room get "Vanity" and "Mirror".
7: Drop "Vanity" in front of and to the left
(out of the way) of guards.
8: Get "Candy Stick" that guards drop.
9: Give "Candy Stick" to "One Eyed Jack".
10: Use "Mirror" on "One Eyed Jack".

Jack Nicklaus 5

Cheat mode:
Enter one of the following codes during game
play to activate the corresponding cheat

Effect Code:
Bouncing ball superball
Large hills molehill
Wack-A-Nerd mode waxanerd

James Bond 007: NightFire

Cheat Mode:
To activate the cheat mode, create a file
called autoexec.cfg in the "C:\Program Files
\EA Games\Nightfire\Bond" directory. Use
notepad or a similar editor and add the lines
as noted below and then save the file.
sv_cheats 1
console 1

Then, when you are in the game, press the "`"
(tilde) key and the console will drop down.
Enter any of the codes below followed by "Enter"
to enable the following cheats:

Code - Result:
god - God Mode
noclip - No Clipping
notarget - Invisibility
fly - Fly Mode
map X - Change to Level X

Note: Some of these codes may cause problems in
the game. Restart the game if this happens.

Cheat mode (demo version):
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file;
create a backup copy of the file before proceeding.
Use a text editor to edit the "autoexec.cfg" file
in the "\ea games\nightfire demo\bond" folder. Add
the following lines at the end of the file:

sv_cheats 1
console 1

Begin game play, then press ~ to display the
console window. Enter one of the following codes
and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding
cheat function.

Effect - Code
God mode - god
No clipping mode - noclip
Invisibility - notarget
Flight mode - fly
Level select - map

Map names (demo version):
Use one of the following entries with the
map code.
map m3_japan01
map m3_japan02
map m3_japan03
map m3_japan04

Jazz Jackrabbit 2: The Secret Files

Cheat Codes:
jjgod - God mode
jjinv - God mode
jjguns - All weapons
jjammo - All ammo
jjrush - Sugar rush
jjfly - Helicopter ears, Type again for
jjk - Self destruct
jjshield - Power shield
jjnext - Level skip
jjlight - Fully light level
jjbird - Bird assistance
jjcoins - Get coins
jjgems - Get gems
jjending - Return to main menu
jjq - Quit to desktop
jjmorph - Change into Spaz, type again to become
Bird, type again to become Frog, type a fourth
time to change back to Jazz
jjnxt - Jump to the next level

Jetfighter Anthology

Desintagrate enemies:
This is a fun little cheat I found. You go to
the third mission and fly to the left until you
find a landing strip. Go and land on the pad,
they will say you found a secret strip and
give you a desintagration gun.

Johnny Bazooka Tone

Level Codes:
Level : Code


Jungle Book - Rythem N' Groove

All characters:
Successfully complete story mode on any
difficulty setting to unlock all characters
and more difficulty settings in battle and
single player modes.

Crazy difficulty setting:
Successfully complete story mode on the "Expert"
difficulty setting to unlock the "Crazy"
difficulty setting in story mode.

Jurassic Park

Cheat Codes:
2. C37EF8D1
3. 4D9458D1
4. 15AC78D1
5. 13AE78D1
6. 72AF98D1
7. FDC478D1
8. 9DC498D1
9. BDC4B8D1
10. 5DC4D8D1

Jurassic Park 3 – ScanCommand

Easy Kill:
When you are in a fight and you don't want to
get hurt, just press the [CTRL] button and type

Free Time:
When you are in a level and you don't want to get
attacked, just press the [CTRL] button and type
"free". The level will be free of dinosaurs.

Scan computer screen:
Hold the scanner in scan mode up to solid colors
and get DNA.

Scan same code twice:
After you scan a barcode, scan the same code but
in the opposite direction. The DNA generated can
either be the same or different.

Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis

Hack: Change Starting Money:
NOTE: The following will require you to edit game
files, so make back-ups before proceeding.

This hack allows you twiddle other values to
enhacne your game. Locate constant.ini in your
drive letter:\jpog\data\ directory. Open the
file using a text editor (like Notepad) and adjust
any of the following lines to alter your game
(note that the default values are listed). All
of the values are self-explanatory (start drooling).

MaxDinoPopulation = 60;
ParkStartPlayerMoney = 60000;
ParkMaxEntryFee = 5000;
ParkMaxPopulationCap = 100;

Hack: More Site Teams:
NOTE: The following will require you to edit game
files, so make back-ups before proceeding.

This hack allows you to deal with the increased
number of dig sites from the Dig Site Hack. Locate
constant.ini in your drive letter:\jpog\data\
directory. Open the file using a text editor (like
Notepad) and search for the lines FossileHunt
StartNumteams and FossileHuntMaxNumTeams. Change
both values to 99. Search for the line Fossile
StorageMaxItems and change it to something around

Hack: More Units/Structures:
NOTE: The following will require you to edit game
files, so make back-ups before proceeding.

This hack allows you to twiddle the max number of
units and structures you can create. Go into your
drive letter:\jpog\data\unit directory. Open the
following files using a text editor (like Notepad)
and search for the line UnitSpecific for each one.
Change the value to something you like, then save
the file with a .ini extension.
HerbFDsp.ini (herbivore feeders)
CarnFDsp.ini (carnivore feeders)
Toilet.ini (bathrooms)
Hatchery.ini (hatcheries)
HuntPlat.ini (hunting platforms)
Kiosk.ini (kiosks)
shop.ini (shops)
hvdome.ini (viewing domes)
hventry.ini (viewing vents)
safari.ini (safari rides)
Road.ini (roads/paths)
rangerdp.ini (ranger stations)
ViewPlat.ini (viewing platforms)
turret.ini (security turret)

Hack: Unlock More Dig Sites:
NOTE: The following will require you to edit game
files, so make back-ups before proceeding.

This hack only allows you to unlock all dig sites
on islands you haven't explored. If you've landed
on any island and started digging, that island is
excluded from this hack. Locate FslHunt.ini in
your drive letter:\jpog\data\ directory. Open the
file using a text editor (like Notepad) and search
for the line maxchosen. Set that value to 9. Save
the file with an .ini extension

Jurassic Wars

Press in the game ENTER and type:

END - End of the game
FOOD - 5000 foods
NEXT - To go to the next level

Just Cause

Agency jeep:
After you kill the man on the boat and finish
the mission, you will get the agency jeep.

When you get your grapple hook fire it at a passing
or attacking helicopter. Then, just reel your self in.

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