Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Wacky Wheels

Cheats:You have the following start parameters for

cheating:/TURBO -- Turbo mode; press BREAK and

FIRE to accelerate the car/JUMP -- Jumpp; press

BREAK and ACCELERATE to make the car jump/HOG

-- 99 hogs/ICE -- 99 ice/FIRE -- 99 fire balls/NOW --

Skip intro/KID -- Kid mode/2 od. /3 -- Double or triple

speed/DEBUG -- Create a ERR.LOG file as you playYou

are able to combine the cheats e.g. WW.EXE FIRE /3

will make the car have 99 fire balls and go with triple


Wall Street Trader 2000

Faster game play:Increase the game speed and let a

scenario run for a week. Then, set the speed to zero

to review your choices and buy stock. The one week

usually does not have any bad consequences.Stock

limits:Do not follow more than about six stocks. Focus

on one or two sectors at a time to stay in control.

Walls Of Bratock

Multiple musket chest:In the city Walls of Bratock

when another character joins your party take his

musket and drop him. Then exit and renter the

city and hire him again he will still have a musket.

War Games

These codes can be accessed in single player mode

by hitting 't' and typing them or by hitting one

of the F1....F4 keys.

eyeofgod - Allows extra level of zoom on lower level

saladtossed - Choose level (You will have to go to

the load screen after and do that CTRL h/w thing)
twobyfour - Builds units (ex: twobyfour dragoon)
hermes - Speeds up building of units
donkeys - Anything that shoots a missile shoots jeeps

instead of missiles
morningafter - Removes fog of war
gimmiegimmie - Allows you to build everything, even

without command center
unclejohn - God mode
chaching - Adds 10,000 to cash total every time it is

mrmuscle - Upgrades player's armor
bigsofty - Downgrades enemy armor
coffee - Upgrades player's speed
beer - Downgrades enemy speed
shaft - Upgrade player's firepower
shank - Downgrade enemy's firepower


To enable these cheat codes hit ENTER, type one

of the codes, and then hit ENTER again. First,

use the Corwin Master Code to enable the others.

CORWIN OF AMBER enables the use of the codes

below:THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE Makes all of your

soldiers invincible to everything except catapults,

and can kill an enemy in one hit.HUMAN# Warp

to any human mission. Replace # with the number

of the mission you want to warp to.ORC# Warp to

any orc mission. Replace # with the number of the

mission you want to warp to.HURRY UP GUYS

Speeds up construction and research.EYE OF NEWT

Gets all magic spells available to your team.IRON

FORGE Get the best weapon and shield strength.SALLY

SHEARS Get full map (a help).POT OF GOLD Get 10,000

more gold and 5,000 more lumber.IDES OF MARCH Takes

you to the final sequence.YOURS TRULY Takes you to the

victory sequence.CRUSHING DEFEAT Takes you to the

failure sequence.

Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War

Unlock All Levels: Make sure to keep a backup of all

the files you are editing.First, open up your Dawn of

WarProfiles folder and choose which profile you are

going to use. Now go to W40ksingleplayercampaignstate1

and open up "campaignstate.lua" with some type of text

editor (I suggest notepad or wordpad). Now you need to

change two lines. The "maxmission = #" and the "scenario

= #". Just change the # signs to whatever mission you

want (the maximum is 11 and both # signs have to

be the same). Now have fun playing.

Warlords 3

Cheat Codes:Enter one of the following codes while

playing. Press F8 then type in the code and press

ENTERAll units and production turn into Tanks

just for grantProduction time of every unit in all cities

set to 1 hiho hihoAll units get medal purple heartUpgrade

cities to Citadels +3 king of the castleAll units turn into

dragons dragon rush99 movement for all units run spot

run1000 experience for selected hero there can be only

oneFull map but now i can seeRemove fog of war on a clear

dayWater turns green not easy being green10,000 money

if i were a rich man20 Mana show me the manaBurn down

all sites burn baby burnConquer all cities i am lazyHero

stats set to S:9, H:4, L:5, M:50 call me conanNew

Background Music name that tuneCities not getting mana

get 1 per turn lord of the manaUnknown lord of the

manaUnknown target practiceUnknown free free free

Unknown name that tuneUnknown learn spell

Warrior Kings: Battles

Enter the following codes during gameplay:gimmegimme

- get more resourcesdoyousee - reveal mapmakemenails

- get tougher units

Will Rock

Defeating Zeus:Use Titan Damage and Immortality, then

make your way to Zeus's throne. Go underneath his feet

and shoot from there. He cannot reach you with lightning

or fire. Watch out for the smaller enemies.Determine

Correct Path In Levels:If you find yourself wandering

around in the levels, not knowing if you’ve been there

before, simply shoot some vases and other pottery items

to determine that you’ve been there. These items also

contain treasures that you can use to gain favor from the

gods. If an area is clear of enemies, it’s an area that you

have been to. An area teaming with monster is an indication

that you haven’t been there.One-Hit And Multi-Kills:Correct

timing of the shovel as a weapon will result in one-hit kills.

Proper technique with the shotgun can result in multiple

kills with one shot. Make sure the enemy is lined up one

behind the other.Skip The Invisible Wall In Level 3/ Level

Warp:Go To the \Will Rock\bin open up willrock.cfg file in

note or whatever and edit this line under [Debug] UiNew

GameLevel = lev_1_1_outdoor.lg and change it to this:

UiNewGameLevel = lev_1_4_corridors.lg Go to a new

game in Will Rock and you will start at level 4 skipping

that whole level 3 problem. If you sub in any level name

into that line u can basically warp to any level. Level names

are found in the levels folder.

Wing Commander IV

Hint:Type wc4_chicken at the c prompt then press

(during the flight):ctrl + W to destroy the selected

target ctrl + Alt + W to blast the whole thing1.Start

a new game.2.Go through the first mission.3.Before

the second mission access the terminal.4.when the

grey letters are on the screen before it asks you for

your calsign enter:5.Animal -gets you to a stupid

dos game.6.Chicken -sends you to a stupid new

version of the credits with Moe and Bart talking

.Special options menu:Press [Al + O while flying a

mission. Hidden options such as invincibility can

now be set.

Wizards and Warriors

Another Easy Gold Getter:Pool gold to one character,

then enter a town and then the inn. Pool gold to a

different character, then drop and re-add the player

who had the gold. Both players now have the pooled

gold.Treasure Chests:Treasure chests are randomly

seeded when you open them, so you can save and

reload while opening a particularly valuable chest.

Naughty Vampire in Castle:If you use the evil

element on the vampire in the castle, you'll find out

first hand why the game received a Mature ESRB

rating.Increase HP:Cast Toughen on a character,

then enter and leave town to permanently raise hit


Wolfenstein: Spear of Destiny

Funny Message:When playing type JOSHUA to

receive a very nice messageJukebox:On the

opening screen press M to get a jukeboxAll

Everything!:When in the game press M + L + I

together and you will receive full heath all guns

and full ammo but your score will drop to 0

World of Warcraft

Beat Vagash:To beat Vagash on the "Protecting The

Herd" quest, it's simplier just to get a group with a

healer ranged and a meat.

Wrestling Spirit

Match flowing:Do not ever try to just get in

high level moves on your opponent, weaken

them with low-level moves, start to soften

them with medium, damage them with a high

level, and go in for the kill with a finisher. You

can try to just use high level moves, but it could

cost you the match.Interviews:If your character

has a lot of charisma and/or mic skills, then going

for a high level move in the interview such as "Mixed

Metaphor" can work. But if you have low charisma

and/or mic skills, then try going for low level moves

instead. It's important to not let your opponent get the

crowd, and going for big reactions can hurt you, try

getting small pops then go into big pops without letting

your opponent get the crowd's attention.

WWII Tank Commander

Hack: Unlock All Levels:Note: This drastically alters a

system file. Back it up before you muck around the file

, or you'll be sorry. E-mailing IGN because you mistakenly

alter your FAT is laughable.Go to the Tankcommander

/.../data/profile/save/ game directory and locate the

checkpoints.txt file using a text editor. In that file there

is a line value:Level 1-Complete 08/24/05 noneCopy

that line and paste it in the same file. Then change the

level number and save the file (as text).

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